The Decider: 32 Skills

The Decider Skills use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) to teach participants skills to recognise their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, allowing them to monitor and manage their own emotions and mental health. CBT and DBT both have an impressive evidence base, proving they are effective with a range of different mental health challenges. The skills were designed to enable participants to make effective changes to help manage distress, regulate emotion, increase mindfulness, promote effective communication and help to live a more skilful, less impulsive life.

How We Do It

We have distilled complex psychological theory into highly effective, evidence based skills that are engaging and memorable. The Decider Skills are delivered in an original and fun style that makes them easy to learn. The demonstrations bring the skills to life.

Each skill has its own evidence base, client handout, visual and prop. Each skill is taught in a discuss-demonstrate-discuss format. 

The Decider Skills will enable you to make effective and positive life changes. We have simplified complex theory into user-friendly, practical, memorable, and effective skills. 


The Decider skills will help you to be more resilient, resourceful, responsible, robust & reflective.

Other benefits include:
  • A shared common language between participants
  • Ability to manage emotions & your own mental health
  • Improve emotional intelligence
  • Develop & strengthen new neural pathways
  • Have a more skilful, less impulsive life
  • Increase mind-body connection
With practice, The Decider Skills improve emotional intelligence, help our brains to develop positive habits, and provide skills to help us monitor and manage our mental health.

The Decider Skills contains 32 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) evidence-based skills for individuals and groups with developing mental health problems.

The Decider Skills will help you to be more:

  • Resilient
  • Resourceful
  • Responsible
  • Robust
  • Reflective

AGE AUDIENCE: The course is delivered to age specific groups (tweens, teens & adults) either face-to-face or online. Small groups only. Group bookings can be made, or individuals can join the course.

DURATION: 12 hours in total (either 12 x 1 hour sessions or 6 x 2 hour sessions).

NOTE: The Decider 32 Skills course is an educational course, with skills learnt in a fun and unique way, with handouts and an expectation that you will practice the skills in your everyday life. Pre and Post course surveys are included.

To maximise the full benefit of the skills learnt during the course, it is advisable to have some individual sessions alongside. A one hour individual session is recommended following the course to review and reflect on skills taught and to consolidate learning. The individual sessions can help people to apply the skills learnt to their own personal situations because individual circumstances aren’t discussed in group sessions.

BOOKING & MORE INFO: For more information about the Decider, 32 skills course or to book a course for a group or as an individual, please contact or look at our course calendar.