Mental health problems can have profound implications for the overall well-being and academic success of students. Therefore, it is imperative that school staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills to support the mental health needs of their students effectively.

About the Awareness Sessions for Schools

Positive Wellbeing’s Awareness Session for Schools is tailored specifically for school staff. Our experienced instructor, Shirralee is a local resident in Hong Kong with vast experience in School settings. This means that our awareness sessions will give local and relevant information. Here are some of areas that this session will cover:

Primary School Staff

  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Anxiety in young children under the age of 12
  • Self injury
  • ASD & Mental Health
  • Counselling skills for upper Primary teachers

Secondary School Staff

  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Eating Disorder
  • Counselling skills for guidance/pastoral staff
  • More Counselling skills for guidance/pastoral staff
  • How to manage Difficult Conversations
  • Self injury
  • ASD & Mental Health

Benefits of the Courses

Increased Understanding: You will gain an understanding of mental health, including recognising signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions. This knowledge will equip you to better manage your own mental well-being and support others in your school.

Enhanced Support Skills: This will equip you with practical tools and techniques, you will learn how to effectively support students experiencing mental health challenges, promoting early intervention and positive outcomes.

Resource Access: The course equips you with information about available resources and connects you with professionals who can offer further assistance if needed
Creation of a Positive School Culture: By prioritising mental health education, schools can foster a culture of openness and support, where students feel comfortable seeking help when needed and staff feel confident in their ability to provide assistance.

Why School Staff Needs to Attend

Attending the Awareness Sessions for Schools is a must. As educators, school staff wield immense influence in their students’ lives, academically, emotionally, and socially. By arming themselves with the tools and know-how to address students’ mental health needs, they can profoundly impact their charges.

By investing in their professional growth and participating in these Awareness Sessions, school staff affirm their dedication to fostering a secure and supportive learning milieu for every student.

In conclusion, the Awareness Sessions for Schools offered by Positive Wellbeing are a valuable resource for school staff, providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to support the mental health needs of their students effectively. By attending these sessions, school staff not only enhance their own professional practice but also contribute to the creation of a positive school culture where all students can thrive.