In the modern workplace, fostering an environment that prioritises mental health is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic necessity. According to a survey, 1,210 adults across all regions of Hong Kong, 73.4% stated that their workplace did not provide any programmes of support for staff mental health needs, while 60% did not know where to seek help regarding mental health issues outside of hospitals. With a significant proportion of respondents reporting inadequate mental health programmes and uncertainty about where to seek help, the survey underscores the crucial role of creating safe spaces within workplaces to support employees’ mental health needs effectively. Read further to discover tips and strategies for building mentally healthy workplaces that empower employees to thrive.

Promote Open Communication: Establishing open channels of communication is fundamental to creating a mentally healthy workplace. Encourage employees to express their feelings, concerns, and challenges without fear of judgement. Managers should actively listen to their team members and offer support when needed. Regular check-ins can provide opportunities for individuals to discuss their mental health in a safe and supportive environment.

Normalise Mental Health Discussions: Break the stigma surrounding mental health by normalising conversations about it in the workplace. Organise workshops, training sessions, or guest speakers to educate employees about mental health issues and coping mechanisms. By raising awareness and promoting understanding, you can create a culture where mental health is viewed as a priority rather than a taboo subject.

Lead by Example: Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the culture of an organisation. Leaders should lead by example by prioritising their own mental health and openly discussing it with their teams. Demonstrating vulnerability and empathy can foster trust and encourage others to do the same. When employees see their leaders prioritising mental health, they are more likely to feel supported and empowered to prioritise their own wellbeing.

Create a Positive Work Environment: Cultivate a positive work environment that promotes overall wellbeing. This includes fostering a sense of belonging, recognition, and appreciation among employees. Encourage teamwork, collaboration, and camaraderie to build strong interpersonal relationships. Additionally, consider incorporating elements of mindfulness or relaxation into the workplace, such as meditation sessions or designated quiet areas, to help alleviate stress and promote mental clarity.

Offer Training and Development Opportunities: Invest in training and development programmes that focus on building resilience, managing stress, and improving emotional intelligence. Equipping employees with the necessary skills and tools to navigate challenges effectively can enhance their overall mental wellbeing. Providing opportunities for growth and development also reinforces a sense of purpose and fulfilment in the workplace. One of the training that can be offered for managers is the Engaging Leaders mental health online training course, which shares strategies on how to promote and support mentally healthy workplaces. This course is for managers to develop an overview on how to use MHFA effectively in the workplace

Creating safe spaces that prioritise mental health is essential for fostering a productive, resilient, and engaged workforce. By promoting open communication, normalising mental health discussions, providing resources and support, leading by example, creating a positive work environment, offering training and development opportunities, and regularly evaluating and adjusting initiatives, organisations can build mentally healthy workplaces where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to thrive. Remember, investing in mental health is an investment in your most valuable asset—your people. 
At Positive Wellbeing, we offer a range of mental health and wellbeing courses to Hong Kong and for International companies. Training is delivered by experienced professionals in a number of countries in the Asia Pacific region. Please visit for more information.