The last few years have been challenging for numerous reasons, most of which are outside our control. Thankfully, schools are returning to the new normal and students are back in the classroom. This is important for their emotional, physical and mental health as well as their academic and social development. 

Given that the greatest asset of any organisation is its staff, the wellbeing of staff is so important. It is essential to promote mentally healthy workplaces during these challenging times.

We must work together to improve the wellbeing of everyone in our community moving forward.

As individuals, we are all adjusting and navigating our own journeys. You may possibly be finding yourself and/or making changes. A significant number of people will be struggling with their mental health and emotional wellbeing, so it is essential that as individuals we do the best we can for ourselves and others.

Having the appropriate skills to engage purposefully in conversations with others, especially when they are going through challenging times, could be a life changing experience for them. You could be assisting them to feel that they have some direction and reason to carry on, to feel listened to, supported and connected. You could make a difference!

If someone you know is acting differently than they normally would or if you have not seen or heard from them for a long time, it would be great if you could reach out to them. As human beings we need connections with others that can take various forms, from being very sociable to communicating occasionally with others via online platforms. 

An important fact to remember is that you are 50% of every conversation that you engage in. So it is essential that your contribution should be valid, balanced and of benefit to the discussion.

Another thing to consider is that a significant amount of your conversations during any given day are with yourself so spending the time to review and analysing your thoughts before you act can make big changes to how conversations play out. We can all recall conversations that have gone wrong due to how we have contributed after not thinking through the consequences or options.

One of the courses which Positive Wellbeing offers is 8 hours of training in Accidental Counsellor skills. The course provides you with the skills and strategies to be the right person at the right time to have that difficult conversation with someone who is struggling for whatever reason. It could be that they are feeling overwhelmed, suicidal, or going through a difficult time. The course also has knowledge about how to connect with professionals.

Our Accidental Counsellor Course will teach you skills in the following areas:

The course is in two sessions so can be delivered either in two x 4-hour sessions or one 8-hour day. It can be delivered online or in-person depending on your location. It is an interactive course and is best delivered in small groups under 15 if online or 24 if in-person training. We offer public courses which individuals can sign up for and we also offer discounts for group bookings.
The course is in two sessions so can be delivered either in two x 4-hour sessions or one 8-hour day. It can be delivered online or in-person depending on your location. It is an interactive course and is best delivered in small groups under 15 if online or 24 if in-person training. We offer public courses which individuals can sign up for and we also offer discounts for group bookings.

For more information or if you have any questions or would like to book an Accidental Counsellor course for your group, please contact or visit our website